

Pre-applications for new students for the 2025-2026 school year are now open.

At Salesianos do Estoril we aim to educate for the full development of both, personality and self-esteem of every single one of our students, so that they can become responsible for their own educational process.

Our educational environment promotes an education which is based on the respect for others, as well as, the fundamental rights and freedom of each individual, combined with the plurality of cultures and religions of which we all are part of.

St. John Bosco, our founder, considered that “education is a matter of the heart”. Therefore, it is our commitment to provide our students with an education that encourages them to responsibly participate in the world’s social  and cultural life, towards a fairer and more fraternal society in which peace, cooperation and solidarity among different human beings are made possible.

As a catholic school, we seek to:

  • promote the holistic education of our students according to the Christian conceptions of: person, life, world and culture;
  • create an environment that benefits the testimony and the evangelizing action;
  • propose itineraries of education in Faith, for those who are interested in this purpose at a deeper level;
  • collaborate with other social forces who also are committed to the construction of society.

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